Friday, June 26, 2009

Showlist for June 26th 2009

Hey all-

Odd week. First, big Ed, then Farrah and then MJ. Bummer. The biggest for me was The King of Pop. Not too mention, it was the most sudden. For better or worse, he was my generation's Elvis for sure. Paste Magazine actually had an interesting piece on Michael here.

Anyway, Fort Reno started this past Monday. Hope you all can make it to a show or two this summer. Always a good time.

Also, if you like punk rock fury, go check out Pup Tent at Artomatic tomorrow night.

Alright, bed time. Read Clark's poem if you have not already.

The List......

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A poem by Clark Sabine

Hey All-
This will be my last Clark centered post. As I understand more about who he was, the more I understand that being eulogized would not be his thing. To that end, Jimmy shared with me that the celebration was great, surreal, odd, upsetting and great. So many people had great stories about Clark that they got kicked out for over staying the allotted time. Perfect. Clark would have loved it.
So, what did everyone do? Simple. They all went to the Black Cat and toasted Clark the rest of the night. I think that is a great way to celebrate some one like Clark.

With that, I am sharing a poem that was shared with me by Rebecca Armendariz. It was written by Clark, and I think it sums up many things Clark. Godspeed.

From Rebecca "I came home from work one day to find Clark soaking in the bathtub, casually leafing through a journal I kept during my freshman year of college (note: I was mortified). I immediately went out and bought him his own journal, and in it he wrote these lyrics that became the poem read at the memorial on Sunday."

Clark's Poem

Remember who you are now, don’t forget it.
So here we are now, and hourglass turned and
filled with venom.
Ice cold hands steeded as to take me away from your embrace.
My hourglass is nearing dry with a humble heart, I say goodbye.
Do not weep and do not cry. Keep me immortal and never old.
I have lived enough for two lifetimes.
I burned it hot and kept it cold, knowing nothing ever lasts.
When your time comes to call, as with life death comes to us all.
Ashes to ashes, we all fall down, we all fall down.
It’s morbid to think, "Yeah, I got it,"
But a fact that no one can deny.
It puts all things into perspective, the day you learn you will die.
I’m not religious, believe there is no devil and no saints,
Just choices and directions we alone must make.
So face your voodoo, your demons, your faith,
I will return to the earth from which I was made.
Take with me the pride and the memories of those I have loved,
For they will keep me alive for all eternity.
Put me in the ground and let me rot.
Just toast a drink to me now and again and say,
"That was a guy who gave a shit!"
And pour for me no more than a sip.
Me and the earth will welcome it.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Another Clark Sabine Story

Hey all-
Jimmy (the List OG) just tipped me off to another nice story about Clark in the City Paper. You can find it here.


Showlist for June 19th, 2009 Clark Sabine 1975-2009

Hey All-

Well, I was prepared to write a happy note about Fort Reno's site being back up, and that the full schedule is now posted. But we came to find out that local musician Clark Sabine has passed after a short, intense bout with cancer. You may recognize him from the Andalusians and Statehood. You can find the latter's official statement here.

While I did not know Clark personally, I know what he meant to others, and my heart goes out to all those closest to him. 33 is simply too young. A "Celebration of Life" ceremony will be held for Clark on Sunday June 21st at 11:30am at the Fairfax Country Club.

I won't dwell anymore. We should all go see some music this week in his honor. Fort Reno starts Monday. Maybe that should be part 2 of his celebration of life.


The List......

Friday, June 12, 2009

Showlist for June 12, 2009

Hey all-

Well the list gods must be smiling down upon us. I did not think I would get the list out this week as my internet has been spotty at best this week. Mostly out. It has held together just enough for me to get this out. I don't want to say the name of my failing ISP, as earthlink might get pissed, but it has been less than stellar of late.

Well, Fort Reno starts June 22nd. Be there. It's good for your soul. Say thanks to the volunteers who keep it running. And, while the show is free, drop them a few bucks to help keep it going (it is not free to put on).

Also, don't forget that Artomatic is up and running. Navy Yard metro. It's free, good show, with lots of good art.

ok, till next week. more submissions please.


The List......

Friday, June 5, 2009

Showlist for June 5th 2009

Hey All-

Well, the mighty list has reached #500. Pretty cool I think. Not sure Jimmy thought it would still be going now (did you, Jimmy?).

No special celebration to be held, but that is ok. Instead, I am going to ask that everyone who is on this list to send $5 to Fort Reno. You don't even have to leave your computer. You can go to and click on the "donate online" button. If you are reading this on the blog, there is a button on the right hand column of this page. Fort Reno is quite short on cash this year (there seems to have been a bit of a hiccup in the economy, as I understand it), and Amanda and the crew need the cash for permits and sound. Let's do our part to keep a great thing going.

You can also keep track of Fort Reno on facebook now. If you are already on the FB go here.
Ok everyone. More submissions. Give to Fort Reno. Have a good weekend.


Help Cal Robbins. To read more, or make a donation go to

any little bit helps, and thanks in advance.
The List......